Equip Your Journey with FST Essentials
Discover our collection of branded merchandise and insightful books, designed to support your practice and deepen your understanding of Fascia Stretch Therapy™.
Women's Clothing
Men's Clothing

Stretch To Win
Second Edition

Fascial Stretch Therapy™
Second Edition

Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body 2nd Edition

Fascia in Sport and Movement
Robert Schleip and Jan Wilke

Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications
David Lesondak and Angeli Maun Akey

Everything Moves
Susan Lowell de SolĂłrzano

NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training
Second Edition

The Myofascial System in Form and Movement
Lauri Nemetz

Foundations of Professional Personal Training
Second Edition with Web Resource
Unlimited mobility with Rapid Release.
Experience the power of vibration therapy. Fascial Stretch Therapists learn the techniques of vibration release with Targeted Vibration Therapy™ (TVT), Stretch to Win™, and Rapid Release™.
TVT is a revolutionary new vibration release and stretch technique we train medical practitioners, fitness pros and others to master. Redefine and grown your practice using the fastest, most effective, protocol that gets your patients feeling way better, way faster.